Construction Contract Payment Claims
- More than 30 major drywall or building projects, including schedule analyses and labor productivity impacts for a number of different clients.
- 10 Major Excavation and Earthmoving projects, including schedule analyses, productivity measures, scope of work changes, quantity estimates, and costs analyses.
- 5 Major Industrial project claims, including labor productivity impacts, schedule and delay analyses, scope of work, quantities and costs analyses.
- 10 or more major claims in defense of state agencies and public utilities, involving interference, excessive changes, schedule delay, and costs analyses.
- 10 or more major claims against state and municipal agencies, the University Systems and public utilities, involving interference, excessive changes, schedule delay, and costs analyses.
- Claims adverse to Federal Government Agencies (USDOT, DVA, and GSA).
- Claim adverse to the U.S. Army (Department of Defense)
Construction Defect Claims
- 70+ Construction Defect claim cases completed since 2006, nearly all in defense of general contractors or major subcontractors, developers and owners.
- Water intrusion defective construction cases:
- Case: 10+ single-family residences
- Case: 30+ multi-family residences (apartment and condominiums)
- Case: $17 million roof collapse for plaintiffs
- 20+ other cases involving:
- Public and private schools
- Office buildings
- Churches
- Casinos
- Recreational centers
Miscellaneous Projects:
- Construction accident reconstruction projects.
- Automobile accident reconstruction projects involving roadway design issues.
Courts, Arbitrations and Mediations:
- Qualified and expert testimony given in:
- U.S. Federal District Court
- U.S. Court or Claims
- Oregon Circuit Courts
- Idaho Superior Court.
- Given expert testimony in Arbitrations in Oregon and Washington.
- Given expert testimony/presentations in Mediations in the following states:
- Oregon
- Washington
- California
- Utah
- Colorado
- Arizona
- Nevada
- Handled cases in the following states:
- Oregon
- Washington
- Idaho
- California
- Nevada
- Arizona
- Colorado
- Utah
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Missouri
- Indiana
- District of Columbia